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President’s report for the 2022-23 Year

PRESIDENT’S REPORT Thanks to all members and friends attending the AIHA 2023 AGM. This is our 8th AGM. Nationally, hemp cultivation has been stagnant for the past two years but does show signs of increasing over the coming year. According to state regulators, it is estimated that 2,500 hectares were cultivated nationally, under a total […]

Secretary’s Report for the 2022-23 Year

SECRETARY’S REPORT I am delighted to present my Report for the 2022-23 year. Firstly, a thank you to my colleagues on the Executive Committee for their respective contributions during the year. Secondly, a thank you to all our members for joining the AIHA, or renewing your membership, and making a contribution to the growth of […]

President’s Report AGM 2021

Welcome to the AIHA 2021 AGM. The last year has been challenging, as we have moved from the physical world to the virtual world. We have not had the opportunity to attend expositions and conferences. However, we have maintained close contact with the industry via our website, social media channels, emails, and newsletters.  Members of […]

Annual General Meeting 2021

The Annual General Meeting of the AIHA was held on Tuesday 9 November 2021 via Zoom, as is the customary way these days.The Annual Report will shortly be sent to all friends and colleagues, having already been circulated to our members. It is being graphically designed at the moment. If you have not yet renewed […]

Hemp Health and Innovation Expo

AIHA has been a proud supporter of the Hemp Health and Innovation Expo since its’ inauguration. Charles Kovess and James Vosper have presented at every live event. This year the event took on a virtual form and was held a on November 6th from 10am to 6pm. At this year’s event Charles and James presented […]

AIHA and Australian National Field Days

The AIHA has been involved in some high profile events recently. In October the AIHA, in partnership with the Australia National Field Days (ANFD) held virtual conference. The event featured presentations on:- Hemp Farming Hemp as Forage Hemp Building Hemp Soil Carbon Hemp Biomass Carbon Hemp Food Developments Hemp Waste to Biofuel Hemp OH&S Hemp […]

What’s So Great About Hemp Plastic?

What’s So Great About Hemp Plastic? January 8, 2020 Blog Hempco Administrator The use of plastic is one of the most damaging habits we have as humans… Just take a look at the great pacific garbage patch for example. But it’s not like it all goes there. That’s just where the current takes a lot […]

How It’s Made: Building Hemp Home

September 27, 2020 Blog Hempco Administrator Did you know that hempcrete is one of the oldest building materials known to man? It has been employed in the building of homes in a variety of different cultures around the world. Created by mixing hemp with lime-based binder and water, we can produce a very sustainable building material with […]

Hempco- Benefits and Uses of Hemp Textiles

The Benefits and Uses of Hemp Textiles April 29, 2021 Hemp News Hemp Co. Admin Hemp is an incredible plant that can be used in many different ways. Even just the fibre that comes from hemp has a wide variety of uses in regards to textiles. Textiles are flexible materials made by creating an interlocking […]
